IVE has successfully completed their 'IVESWITCH' promotions. According to Starship Entertainment, IVE wrapped up theiractivities for their second EP album 'IVE SWITCH' on May 19th with aperformance on SBS's 'Inkigayo'.
The group has been promoting their doubletitle tracks 'HEYA' and 'Accendio' from 'IVE SWITCH' since its release on April29th.
These two tracks showcased IVE's diverse charms and dramatictransformation, captivating global K-pop fans.
Member Jang Wonyoung, who participated inwriting the lyrics for 'Blue Heart', demonstrated her growth as an artist byexpressing her strengthening self through communication with fans.
With this album, IVE achieved their fourthconsecutive million-seller, entered the top ranks of major music charts bothdomestically and internationally, and ranked first in the May 2024 idol groupbrand reputation rankings.
Individually, Jang Wonyoung and Ahn Yujin rankedfirst and second respectively in the girl group personal brand reputationrankings, proving their unwavering popularity.
Moreover, IVE was the only K-pop artist tobe listed in Forbes' '30 Under 30 Asia 2024', which selects 30 leaders underthe age of 30 from various fields across 22 countries in the Asia-Pacificregion.
IVE has also showcased their individualcharms by appearing on various TV programs and web shows, further solidifyingtheir popularity.
Following their successful 'IVE SWITCH'promotions, IVE is set to embark on their first world tour, 'IVE THE 1ST WORLDTOUR 'SHOW WHAT I HAVE''. They will perform in cities such as Paris, Barcelona,Berlin, Amsterdam, London, Mexico City, São Paulo, and Santiago in June, and inHong Kong, Manila, Melbourne, Sydney, and Jakarta in July and August.Additionally, IVE will participate in global music festivals like 'LollapaloozaChicago' and 'Summer Sonic 2024' in August, and will hold encore performances atTokyo Dome on September 4th and 5th.
IVE shared their thoughts on completingtheir activities and their plans for the future in a Q&A session.
Q: How do you feel about completing 'IVESWITCH' promotions and reaching 900 days since debut?
Ahn Yujin:I'm grateful for showing various sides of ourselves through these promotions. Ibelieve we reached our 900th day because of our fans' support and love. Thankyou so much.
Gaeul: Thankyou for loving 'IVE SWITCH'. I'm grateful and love our members and fans whohave always been our strength for the past 900 days.
Rei: Theseactivities were fun and seemed to pass quickly. I hope our fans remember thesemoments happily. Thank you to our fans who always love IVE.
Jang Wonyoung: I enjoyed showing different sides through 'HEYA' and 'Accendio'. Itwas even more special because of our fans. Thanks to their support, wecompleted our activities successfully. I hope we continue to be together.
Liz: I hadfun trying new styles and showing different sides of myself. Thank you for thepast 900 days, and I hope you look forward to what’s next.
Leeseo:Every moment with our fans during 'IVE SWITCH' activities was memorable andhappy. I want to continue being with our fans every day.
Q: How does it feel to be the only K-popartist in Forbes' '30 Under 30 Asia 2024'?
Ahn Yujin:It's an honor to have IVE listed among the '30 Under 30 Asia'. We feel a senseof responsibility to perform on stage and will strive to have a positiveinfluence.
Q: Jang Wonyoung's contributions to thealbum have been well-received, along with your other notable actions. How doyou feel about that?
Jang Wonyoung: It's amazing and I'm grateful that my actions are being loved andnoticed. If 'Wonyoung Turn' and 'Wonyoung's Thoughts' have been a positiveinfluence, that alone is a great fortune for me.
Q: This promotion was filled withdiverse activities beyond music shows.
Ahn Yujin:This time, we showed a lot of different sides of ourselves. We had specialmoments, especially collaborating with senior artists for the 'HEYA' challenge.While we are abroad for the world tour, please support my appearance in'Jiraki's Ttui Ttui Bang Bang'.
Liz: It wasfun to show different sides of myself through appearances on shows like'Sulpli', 'Workdol', and 'Masked Singer'. It was fulfilling to see our fansenjoy these various activities.
Rei: Meetingfans through various shows, from 'Favorite Teacher' to 'Running Man', wasgreat. My personal content 'Follow Me, Rei' recently received a Silver Button,and I aim to achieve the Gold Button by showing more enjoyable content.
Gaeul: I washappy that fans enjoyed the diverse content we created. Filming with elementaryschool friends for 'Dance Friend' was especially memorable and heartwarming.
Leeseo: As'Inkigayo' MC, this comeback was special and memorable. I want to showcontinuous growth as both MC Leeseo and IVE Leeseo, thanks to the support frommy sisters and fans.
Q: How do you feel about meeting globalfans through your world tour and music festivals?
Liz: I'mboth nervous and excited about performing at global festivals. We're preparinghard to show a great performance not only to our fans but also to many others.
Leeseo: It'san honor to perform at overseas festivals. We’re preparing to make it enjoyablefor everyone, so please support us.
Jang Wonyoung: I'm grateful for the increasing opportunities to perform on globalstages. We're working hard to leave a good impression, so please look forwardto it.
Q: Lastly, a message for DIVE.
Ahn Yujin:Thank you for your support during this promotion. Let's continue to create goodmemories together during our world tour and festivals.
Gaeul: I'llcontinue to grow to make IVE something our fans can be proud of. Thank you andI love you.
Rei: Thepast 900 days with DIVE have been precious and happy, and I look forward to thefuture. Let's stay together for a long time.
Jang Wonyoung: Having DIVE by our side is a huge support and fortune for IVE.Thank you always.
Liz: Thanksto DIVE, our 900 days shined even brighter. Let's fill our future moments withhappiness.
Leeseo: Thankyou for always loving us. I'll continue to show a growing Leeseo and IVE.