Kara members Nicole and Heo Youngji have shared touching moments from the production process of their recently released song 'Hello,' which features the voice of the late Goo Hara. The song holds significant meaning as it is the first track by all six members of Kara.
Appearing on Kim Jaejoong's YouTube channel 'Jaefriend' on the 8th, Nicole and Heo Youngji detailed the behind-the-scenes of making 'Hello.' Originally intended for Kara's 2013 fourth studio album 'Full Bloom,' the song was released last month as a digital single, 'I Do I Do,' approximately 11 years later.
Nicole explained, "We wanted to release a song with Hara so badly that we searched through the data." All the members put effort into finding Goo Hara's recordings. "It was recorded around 2012 and had Hara's voice, so we wanted to release it together," she said, adding that it became a meaningful ballad released by the entire group.
Heo Youngji noted,
"It was a song Hara unnie released in Japan before," with Nicole adding, "We wanted to sing together no matter what."
They also shared the emotional moments from the first day of recording 'Hello.' Heo Youngji recalled, "At first, we weren't sure.
We cried a lot on the recording day," she reminisced, noting that tissues were prepared in the studio in advance.
Nicole mentioned,
"The lyrics came out beautifully. They were almost unchanged from the original. We carefully decided on Hara's parts."
She emphasized that a lot of the members' hearts were poured into the song.
A music critic commented,
"Kara's 'Hello' is a special piece that goes beyond just a song, showcasing the members' friendship and love for their fans. Including the voice of the late Goo Hara can be seen as an effort to preserve the group's history and identity."
Fans have shown a passionate response to 'Hello' on social media.
One fan expressed, "It’s moving to hear a song from all of Kara. It's even more meaningful to hear Goo Hara's voice again."
The release of 'Hello' is noted as a unique case in the K-pop industry, raising ethical discussions about releasing songs with a late member's voice and strengthening the bond between fans and artists in a new way.
Kara's current activities are seen as a meaningful attempt to commemorate the group's history and share memories with their fans.
The attention is now on how Kara will continue to communicate with their fans and what impact they will have on the K-pop industry.